Last updated: 1-22-04
Advanced Copyright Law and Policy
Washington College of Law, American University
Wednesday 7:30 - 10:10
924-001 WCL 501
Spring 2004
Professor Rob Kasunic
Office hours by appointment
Jump to Class #: 1 2
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11 12
13 14
Required Texts:
Note: Students may already have supplements containing title 17 from other courses
that may be used. The complete text is available for purchase from the GPO at: (search for Circular 92)
Stock number: 030-002-00197-7
Title: Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws
Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code, June 2003
ISBN: 0-16-067779-3
Optional texts:
 | Pike & Fisher, The Digital Millennium Copyright Act |
 | James Lardner, Fast Forward |
 | The
Digital Dilemma |
Other required and recommended readings will be made available online, in
handouts, or on reserve in the library.
 | The grade will be composed of 75% for the research paper (including outline
and draft) and 25% for class participation. All students are expected to
participate in each class and each student will also lead a discussion on his or
her paper topic. Students can earn a participation credit in class by
demonstrating familiarity with the course materials and verbally analyzing
relevant legal issues. Since the class meets only once a week, missing more than
three classes may adversely affect the class participation component of the grade. |
 | Proposed paper topics due: February 18, 2003 |
 | Paper outline (including likely source material) due: March 10, 2003 |
 | Paper draft due: April 7, 2003 |
 | Paper presentations: April 14 and April 21 |
 | Final draft due: May 15 (Final day of exam period) |
Each student must complete an original research paper of at least 20
double-spaced pages, including footnotes. With my prior approval only, you may
submit a longer paper (30 pages minimum) for satisfaction of the upper-level
writing requirement.
Class Schedule
1 January 14
 | Class introduction and overview |
 | General discussion of copyright law and the Copyright Office, the tensions,
the current issues and possible alternative future class topics. |
 | Read: Jane Ginsburg's "Esssay
-- How Copyright Got a Bad Name For Itself" |
2 January 21
Copyright Practice and Litigation:
 | The exclusive rights, statutory limitations and remedies in practice |
 | Fred
Bouchat v. The Baltimore Ravens, Inc. and NFLP, Inc., 228 F.3d 489,
56 USPQ2d 1422 (4th Cir. 2000), cert. denied, (U.S. May 21,
2001) (No. 00-1494) -- (Liability Phase) |
 | Fred
Bouchat v. The Baltimore Ravens, Inc. and NFLP, Inc., 346 F.3d 514 (4th
Cir. 2003). (Damage Phase) |
 | To view the works at issue, see: |
 | You may also want to consider a recent law
review articles on the access and striking similarity issues in 13 Fordham
Intell. Prop. Media & Ent.L.J. 653 (Winter 2003) and in 9 Vill. Sports
& Ent. L Forum 97 (2002). |
3 January
The Balance in Copyright:
 | Fair Use review and application to technology: Discussion and review of Section
107 |
 | Application to the Internet environment: Kelly
v. Arriba Soft, 336 F.3d 811 (2003)
which was substituted for the prior opinion at 280 F.3d 934 (9th Cir. 2002) |
 | Sony
Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417, 104 S.Ct.
774 (1984) -- read closely for an understanding of the specific facts and
holding. Since this case is relied on in many of the recent P2P cases and
Digital Video Recorder cases, a careful reading will be necessary for the next
class as well. |
Highly Recommended:
4 February
Peer-to-Peer Litigation:
5 February
Policy Choices and Legislative Reactions to P2Ps:
 | Digital Copyright pp. 151-170 |
 | Copy Fights, pp. 107-124, 185-188, and 197-220 |
Self-help -- H.R.
5211 and spoofing |
Government standards/broadcast flags: FCC
Rulemaking, S.
2048, Antipiracy
plan takes shape |
The market effect: Listen's Rhapsody, Apple's iTunes,
Pressplay, Musicnet and other licensed services |
Deterence and Education: H.R.
2517 |
Anonymity and subpoenas: Register of Copyrights testimony |
Optional considerations:
6 February
18 and 7 February
Proposed Paper Topics Due
Limitations on liability relating to materials online and the DMCA's Section
Recommended additional reading:
8 March
Section 104 Study – Digital First Sale, buffer copies, and backups
March 10 -- Spring Break
9 March
Paper outline due
The Legislative Process generally and the legislative history of the DMCA
 | Jessica Litman's, Digital Copyright pp. Skim pages 11 - 88, Read pp. 122-150 |
 | Read closely: The Digital Millennium Copyright Act's Section 1201
and |
 | The Copyright Office's summary
of the DMCA on Technological Protection and Copyright
Management Systems |
10 March
The Litigation under Section 1201
11 March
Paper draft due
The Litigation under Section 1201 (continued)
12 April
Section 1201(a)(1) and The Copyright Office Rulemaking
13 April
** Required Student Paper Presentations **
14 April 21
** Required Student Paper Presentations **
May 7-10 All
Student Papers Due!
Graduating Senior are requested to turn their papers in
by May 7th since these grades are due May 12. Submissions of the papers may be
accomplished electronically, however, if you want to be absolutely certain that
your paper has been received on time, you may submit a hard copy to the
Registrar in Room 304 on or before Saturday May 10. Students are responsible for
identifying the Saturday hours of operation for Room 304. Electronic submissions
of paper are due by 5:00 p.m. (and preferably before) and they should be
submitted to:
You may also cc the email to I
will send a confirmation of all electronic submissions as soon as possible after
receipt. To avoid problems, submission the day before or electronic and hard
copy submission is advised.